Production scientifique et activités de la structure de recherche depuis 2018
Liste des publications indexées dans les bases de données Scopus ou Web of Science(prière de mentionner la valeur de l’Impact Factor : IF) " Scopus ou WOS " قائمة المنشورات المدرجة ضمن المجلات العلمية المفهرسة بوووس أو سكوبس " IF " ) |
Référence dans la revue (Auteurs, titre, nom de la revue, volume, numéro, pages) )المرجع في المجلة ) مؤلف، عنوان، اسم المجلة، جزء، عدد، الصفحات |
Indexée à / IF : |
1 |
EZZAKI Lahcen and El Hassan ZERRIK, Stabilisation of second-order bilinear and semilinear systems. International Journal of Control , 2021, vol. 94, no 12, p. 3483-3490. |
Scopus and WOS/2.888 |
2 |
EZZAKI Lahcen and El Hassan ZERRIK, An output stabilization of second order semilinear systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine , 2020, vol. 53, no 2, p. 5889-5894. |
Scopus and WOS/2.1 |
3 |
EZZAKI Lahcen and El Hassan ZERRIK, Stabilisation of the gradient of distributed bilinear systems. International Journal of Control , 2019, vol. 94, no 6, p. 1448-1454. |
Scopus and WOS/2.888 |
4 |
EZZAKI Lahcen and El Hassan ZERRIK, Strong and exponential stabilization for a class of second order semilinear systems. In : Recent Advances in Modeling, Analysis and Systems Control: Theoretical Aspects and Applications . Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer, Cham, 2020. p. 221-239. |
Scopus /1.1 |
5 |
ZERRIK, El Hassan et EZZAKI, Lahcen . An output stabilization of infinite dimensional semilinear systems. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information , 2019, vol. 36, no 1, p. 101-123. |
Scopus and WOS/1.555 |
6 |
ZERRIK, El Hassan et EZZAKI, Lahcen . Output stabilization of distributed bilinear systems. Control Theory and Technology , 2018, vol. 16, no 1, p. 58-71. |
Scopus and WOS/2.1 |
7 |
Ahmed M'hamdi et al. Modeling “Occident/Orient” Duality and Migration Process with Mobile Agents. Systems. Research and Behavioral Science, 2019 Vol 36 Issue6. |
Scopus and WOS/1.750 |
8 |
Almond waste extract as an efficient organic compound for corrosion inhibition of carbon steel (C38) in HCl solutio. Ahmed Batah, Abdelkarim Chaouiki, Omar IdEl Mouden, M'hammed Belkhaouda, Lahcen Bammou , Rachid Salghi. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, V 27, June 2022, 100677. |
4.508 Clarivate analytics |
9 |
Water and Environment Journal 2022, 1-12 (DOI: 10.1111/wej.12772). Water consumption optimization in cardboard industry by experimental design. Soukaina cHerif , Moulay Abdelaziz Aboulhassan , Lahcen Bammou |
1.92 |
10 |
Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta 2020, 38(4), 201-214. Effect of Apricot Almond Oil as Green Inhibitor for Steel Corrosion in Hydrochloric Media. A. Batah, A. Anejjar, L. Bammou , M. Belkhaouda and R. Salghi |
1.17 |
11 |
Moroccan Journal of Chemistry, 8 N°3 (2020) 606-614. Corrosion behaviour of steel rebar: effect of simulated concrete pore solution and chloride ions. Illyass BAZZI, M’hammed BELKHAOUDA, Abdelaziz AIT ADDI, Aziz JMIAI, Lahcen BAMMOU , Mustapha HILALI and Rachid SALGHI |
0.552 |
12 |
Moroccan Journal of Chemistry, 8 N°2 (2020) 474-485. Green inhibition of carbon steel corrosion by fish oil in hydrochloric acid medium. FARSSI Mustafa, BATAH Ahmed, BELKHAOUDA M’hammed, SALGHI Rachid,GHARBY Said, MAMOUNI Rachid, LAKNIFLI Abdelatif, BAMMOU Lahcen |
0.552 |
13 |
Moroccan Journal of Chemistry, 7 N°3 (2019) 567-579. Experimental and theoretical investigation of 4-Methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-1,5-benzodiazepin-2-one on the corrosion and inhibition behavior of steel in acidic solution. L. El Ghayati, A. Batah, M. Belkhaouda, L. Bammou , R. Salghi, A. Saber, A. Chetouani, M. L. Taha, E. M. Essassi |
0.552 |
14 |
Moroccan Journal of Chemistry, 6 N°2 (2018) 294-306. Effect of amino acid on the passivation, corrosion and inhibition behavior of aluminum alloy in alkaline medium. S. Kharacha, A. Batah, M. Belkhaouda, L. Bazzi, L. Bammou , R. Salghi, O.Jbara, A. Tara |
0.552 |
15 |
Cosmetics, Volume 9 Issue 1,February 2022. Molecular Docking, Tyrosinase, Collagenase, and Elastase Inhibition Activities of Argan By-Products. H.Mechqoq, S. Hourfane, M. El yaagoubi, A. El hamdaoui , J. R..g.Da Silva Almeida, J. Miguel Rocha and N. El Aouad. |
Scopus,WOS / 4,2 |
16 |
Mediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and Antimicrobials, January 2022. Antibacterial Activity of Lavandula mairei Humbert Essential Oil Against Carbapenem- resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. A.Laktib, K. Nayme, A. El hamdaoui , M. Timinouni, M. Hassi, A. AitAlla, F. Msanda, M. Bourouache, M. El Yaagoubi, R. Mimouni, B. Bihadassen, F. Hamadi. DOI: 10.4274/mjima.galenos.2021.2021.3 |
Scopus / 0.1 |
17 |
Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Volume 281, 5, December 2021. Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and biological properties of Argan tree (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels) (Sapotaceae) - A review. H. Mechqoq, M. El Yaagoubi, A. El Hamdaoui , S. MomchilovasV. Dimitrov, J. Almeida, F. Msanda, N. Elaouad. |
Scopus / 4.36 |
18 |
Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Volume 24, September 2021. Effect of pretreatment, temperature, gibberellin (GA3), salt and water stress on germination of Lavandula mairei Humbert. A. El Hamdaoui , H. Mechqoq, M. El Yaagoubi, A. Bouglad, A. Hallouti, A. El Mousadik, N. Elaouad, A. Ait Ben Aoumar, F. Msanda. |
Scopus / 3.4 |
19 |
Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Volume 278, 5 October 2021. A review on Moroccan Thymus species: Traditional uses, essential oils chemical composition and biological effects. M. El Yaagoubi, H. Mechqoq, A. El Hamdaoui , V. J. Mukku, A. El Mousadik, F. Msanda, N. El Aouad. |
Scopus / 4.36 |
20 |
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (76), 1-7. February 2018. A. El Hamdaoui , F. Msanda, H. Boubaker, D. Leach, I. Bombarda, P.Vanloot, N. El Aouad, A. Abbad, E.H. Boudyach, F. Achemchem. Essential oil composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of wild and cultivated Lavandula mairei Humbert. |
Scopus / 1.38 |
21 |
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol. 13, pp. 7150-7155, 2018. Nabil Khatib, El Houssaine Ouacha , BouazzaFaiz, Mohamed Ezzaidi and Hicham Banouni. Ultrasound study of setting and hardening behaviour of mortar using portlandcomposite cements CPJ45 and CPJ35 and different dosages of an Alkali-Free Setting accelerator for Shotcrete. |
Scopus SJR : 0.14 |
22 |
Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2020, 150, 107004. Leghrib, R., Ouacha, E. , Zouida, A., Faiz, B., Amghar, A., “Monitoring automobile fuel adulteration using Ultrasound technique for environmental issues” Measurement |
Scopus |
23 |
Nabil Khatib, Mohamed El Habib Hitar, El Mostapha Lotfi, El Houssaine Ouacha, Bouazza Faiz, Dominique Décultot, Hicham Banouni“Monitoring of behavior at young age of mortar by ultrasound technique for environmental issues: effects of sand granulometry and salinity of mixing water” Construction et matériaux de construction, 306 (2021) 124852 |
Science Direct ISSN 0950-0618 |
23 |
Hicham Lotfi, Mustapha Adar, Amin Bennouna, DrissIzbaim, FatimazahraOum'bark, EL Houssaine Ouacha "Silicon Photovoltaic Systems Performance Assessment Using the Principal Component Analysis Technique” Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, |
SCOPUS / ISSN 2214-7853, |
24 |
Idris Abou Daoud, FaizBouazza, Driss Izbaim, El Houssaine Ouacha , and Hicham Banouni “Modélisation de la qualité du collage au sein d'une structure multicouche à l'aide de la technique de réflexion ultrasonique,” International Review on Modeling and Simulations (IREMOS) Volume 14, N° 5 pp. 370-379. (2021)
25 |
Idriss ABOUDAOUD, Brahim IRISSI, El Houssaine Ouacha , Bouazza Faiz, Hicham Banouni d. izbaim. « Modeling of the Bonding Quality Within a Multilayer Structure Using the Ultrasonic Reflection Technique”. October 2021 International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS) 14(5):37 |
26 |
MOUHTI, I. , ELANIQUE, A., MESSOUS, M. Y., BENAHMED, A., McFee, J. E., ELGOUB, Y., GRIFFIYH, P., (2019). Characterization of CsI(Tl) and LYSO(Ce) scintillator detectors by measurements and Monte Carlo simulations. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 154, 108878. |
ELSEVIER/1,513 |
27 |
MOUHTI , I. , ELANIQUE, A., MESSOUS, M. Y., BENAHMED, A., BELHORMA, B., (2018). Validation of a NaI(Tl) and LaBr3(Ce) detector’s models via measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 4(11), 335-339. |
28 |
Assia Mabrouk , Ahmed Bachar, Imad Fatani, Yann Vaills.“High temperature brillouin scattering study of lanthanum and sodium aluminoborosilicate glasses” Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 257, 123790 |
Scopus/4,09 |
29 |
Assia Mabrouk , Yann Vaills, Nadia Pellerin, Ahmed Bachar, “ Structuralstudy of lanthanum sodium aluminoborosilicate glasses by NMR spectroscopy” MaterialsChemistry and Physics, 2020, 254, 123492 |
Scopus/4,09 |
30 |
Mabrouk, A. , De Sousa Meneses, D., Pellerin, N., ...Ory, S., Vaills, Y.Effects of boron on structure of lanthanum and sodium aluminoborosilicate glasses studied by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and infraredspectrometryJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, 503-504, pp. 69–77 |
Scopus/3,53 |
31 |
Assia Mabrouk , Ahmed Bachar, Ali Atbir, Claudine Follet, Cyrille Mercier, Arnaud Tricoteaux, Anne Leriche, Stuart Hampshire,“Mechanical properties, structure,bioactivity and cytotoxicity of bioactive Na-Ca-Si-P-O-(N) glasses”Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol.86, 2018, 284-293 |
Scopus/3,902 |
32 |
Bachar, A., Mabrouk, A. , De Sousa Meneses, D., ...Sadallah, Y., Echegut, P.“Study of the firing type on the microstructure and color aspect of ceramic enamels”Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 735, pp. 2479–2485 |
Scopus/5,31 |
33 |
Abioui, H ., A. Idarrou, A. Bouzit, and D. Mammass. Review: Automatic Image Annotation for Semantic Image Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,LNCS Vol. 10884, pp. 129-137 ; Springer 2018. |
Scopus 1.36 |
34 |
Abioui, H ., A. Idarrou, A. Bouzit, and D. Mammass. 2018. “Towards a Novel and Generic Approach for OWL Ontology Weighting.” In Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 127., Scopus, Elsevier 2018. |
Scopus 2.09 |
35 |
I. Belhyane, M. Mammass, H. Abioui , A. Idarrou, "Graph-Based Image Retrieval: State of the Art'', Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS 12119) pp 299-307, August 2021. DOI: |
Scopus 1.36 |
36 |
H. Abioui , M. Mammass,"A Multi-Ontology based approach for the semantic annotation of semi-structured documents'', ARCTIC Journal, volume 74, number 11, November 2021. ISSN:004-0843. |
Scopus /WoS 1.783 |
37 |
I. Belhyane, M. Mammass, H. Abioui , A. Moutaoukkil, A. Idarrou, "Structural Information Retrieval in XML Documents: A Graph-based Approach", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 13, No. 3, 2022. |
Scopus 1.092 |
Liste des publications à comité de lecture non indexées au Scopus ou WOS (préciser l’index et l’IF s’il existe) قائمة المنشورات المعتمدة على لجنة قراءة والغير مفهرسة في قوائم ووس أو سكوبس ) اسم الفهرس و مؤشر التأثيرفي حالة وجوده ( |
Référence dans la revue (Auteur(s), Année, titre, nom de la revue, volume, numéro, pages) ) عنوان، اسم المجلة، جزء، عدد، الصفحات ، المرجع في المجلة ) مؤلف، سنة |
Indexée à / IF : |
1 |
Assma Azeroual and Karim Afdel, GPU Implementation of Faber Schauder Discrete Wavelet Transform using CUDA. International Journal of Computer Applications. Volume 183 Nr 42, December 2021 |
2 |
Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci. 6 N°1(2020) 43-50. Adsorption and corrosion inhibition performance studies of 2-phenylpyrimido [1,2-a] benzimidazol-4(1H)-one, on carbon steel corrosion in acidic solution. M. Belkhaouda, A. Batah, L. Bammou , O. Id El Mouden, S. El Issami, B. El Makrini, |
3 |
Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci. 4 N°3(2018) 398-413. Effect of L-methionine on the passivation, corrosion and inhibition behavior of tin in alkaline medium. S. Karachay. Bazzi, M. Belkhaouda , L. Bammou , A. Batah , L. Bazzi , R. Salghi , M. Hilali |
4 |
Sumerianz Journal of Biotechnology. Online ISSN: 2617-3050, December 2021. Evaluation of Native Entomopathogenic Fungi Isolates for Microbial Control of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitis Capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) Pupae and Adults. A. Hallouti, H. Benjlil, A. El Hamdaoui , R. Ait Hammou, M. Ait Hamza, A. Zahidi, A. Ait Ben Aoumar, H. Boubaker. |
Scholar |
5 |
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.9 / Issue 54 / June / 2019. N. El. Aouad, H. Mechqoq, A. El Hamdaoui , M. El Yaagoubi, F. Msanda and D. Cortes. Semisynthesis of New Antibacterial Triterpenoids Derivatives from the Natural α-Euphorbe. |
6 |
Journal of Signal Processing. Vol. 8 Issue 2, pp. 45-53, 2018 Nabil Khatib, El Houssaine Ouacha , Bouazza Faiz, Mohamed Ezzaidi, Hicham Banouni. Study of Early Age Behaviour of Mortar Pastes with Different Dosages of Alkaline Accelerator for Shotcrete: The Use of the Ultrasound Pulse Echo Method. American |
Index Copernicus International |
7 |
European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences ; Volume: 5, Issue: 1, 140-146 ; 2018. A.Hamine, B.Faiz, A.Moudden, E.Ouacha and M.Aghrouch« ANALYSIS OF BACTERIAL SUSPENSIONS OF DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS AND SHAPES BY MEASURING ULTRASONIC VELOCITY » |
Scholar Index CopernicusIm pact Factor 6.044 |
8 |
American Journal of Signal Processing, Volume 7, Issue 2 pp. 1-7. (2021). Brahim IRISSI, El Houssaine Ouacha , Bouazza Faiz, Hicham Banouni. “Collage Quality of Two Different Plates by Using Ultrasonic”. |
9 |
I. Belhyane, M. Mammass, H. Abioui , A. Moutaoukkil, A. Idarrou, "Comparative Study on Graph-based Information Retrieval: the case of XML document", IJAEMS 2020, July 2020. DOI: 10.22161/ijaems.78.1 |
Liste des publications à comité de lecture non indexées ou dans les actes de congrès لائحة المنشورات الغير مفهرسة أو التي صدرت في أشغال الندوات |
1 |
Nabil Khatib, El Houssaine Ouacha , BouazzaFaiz, Mohamed Ezzaidi, Hicham Banouni. The identification of the different stages of the hydration of Portland composite cements CPJ 45 and CPJ 35, using the behaviour bd P-wave attenuation coefficient. 1st International Conference on Signals, Automation and Telecommunications, (ICSAT’2018). Beni Mellal, Maroc |
2 |
Idris Aboudaoud, BrahimIrissi, Faiz Bouazza,DrissI baim, El Houssaine Ouacha , and Hicham Banouni"Theoretical determination of the criteria for bonding quality characterization inside a multilayer by ultrasonic echo-pulse method" E3S Web of Conferences 297, 01048 (2021), ICCSRE’2021 |
Liste des communications orales (O) ou affichés (A) dans des manifestations scientifiques nationales لائحة المداخلات الشفوية وعبر الملصقات في التظاهرات العلمية الوطنية |
1 |
Razzouk Redouane et Essardi Omar (2021) Communication sur le thème «Éducation et émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) : cas des pays de l'Afrique de Nord et les pays de l’Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDAO) » . Colloque sous le thème La transition vers l’économie verte entre théorie et pratique Fsjes, Université cadi ayyad, Marrakech , (Kella sragna, Maroc). |
2 |
Activités antioxydantes et anti tyrosinase des extraits d’une lavande endémique du Maroc. A. El Hamdaoui , F. Msanda, N. El Aouad. A. Ait Ben Aoumar, 1er colloque national sur les plantes aromatiques et |
3 |
Activité antioxydante et anti-ride des extraits obtenus par CO2 supercritique d’une avande endémiqe du Maroc. A. El Hamdaoui , H. Mechqoq, M. El Yaagoubi, F. Msanda, A. Ait BenAoumar, K.Stathopoulou, N. Fokialakis, N. Aligianis, N. El aouad . 7ème Symposium International des Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales SIPAM 2019, FS-El Jadida, 18-20 avril 2019 . |
4 |
Valorisation de sous-produits de l’Arganie. H. Mechqoq, A. El Hamdaoui , M. El Yaagoubi, F. Msanda, A. Ait BenAoumar, K.Stathopoulou, N. Fokialakis, N. Aligianis, N. El Aouad . 7ème Symposium International des Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales SIPAM 2019, FS-El Jadida, 18-20 avril 2019. |
5 |
Contrôle non invasif par ultrasons des produits alimentaires : Cas du lait UHT. E.Ouacha, A. Moudden, B. Faiz, I. Aboudaoud, H. Banouni . . Ouarzazate, Maroc |
6 |
Utilisation de la méthode des contours pour la détermination de l’évolution du mode dans la pâte de ciment. H. Banouni, B. Faiz, D. Izbaim, E. Ouacha . 1st National PhD Students Days NPDS’2018 . Ouarzazate, Maroc. |
7 |
A. Mabrouk , A. Bachar, Y. Vaills “Separating the effects of composition and fictive temperature on Al and B coordination in Si, La, aluminosilicate, aluminoborosilicate and aluminum borate glasses ”44es Journées d’Étude des Équilibres entre Phases (JEEP) 20-22 mars 2019 Agadir, Maroc |
8 |
A.Mabrouk, A. Bachar, Y.Vaills “ Influence of lanthanu m on aluminoborosilicate glass structure: A Brillouin scattering investigation », Recherche Scientifique entre Défis et Perspectives , 27 Février 2019, Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées- Khouribga. |
9 |
A. Bachar, J. P. Blondeau, A. Mabrouk, C. Genevois,S. Pellerin“Precipitation of silver nanoparticles in glass withnanosecond laser”. Congrès International Matériaux Appliqués à l’Environnement , 5-7 décembre 2018. Agadir. Maroc |
Liste des communications orales (O) ou affichés (A) dans des manifestations scientifiques internationales لائحة المداخلات الشفوية وعبر الملصقات في التظاهرات العلمية الدولي |
1 |
Assma Azeroual and Karim Afdel, GPU Implementation of Faber Schauder Discrete Wavelet Transform using CUDA, International Congress on Multidisciplinary Studies, ADANA, Turkey, November 12-13 2021 |
2 |
Experimental and theoretical study of the corrosion inhibition of 3003, aluminum alloy in alkaline medium. Adan NID BELLA, Lahcen BAMMOU , M’Hamed BELKHAOUDA, Rachid SALGHI. 3rd INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN CONFERENCE on current studies ofscience, technology Abomey-Calavi, Benin UNIVERSITY OF ABOMEY-CALAVI (UAC)27-28/02/2021 |
3 |
A study of the use of the Chenopodium Ambrosioides Extracts for the Corrosion inhibition of C-steel in two acidic solutions. L. Bammou , M. Belkhaouda, R. Salghi, O. Benali, B. Hammouti. 3rd International Conference on Materials and Environmental Science (ICMES2019), Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées Agadir, Morocco, December 18-20, 2019 |
4 |
Optimisation du traitement par coagulation-floculation des eaux eusées de l’industrie de carton ondulée par méthodologie de surface réponse. S. Harif, M.A. Aboulhassan, L. Bammou . 7ème édition du congrès international Eaux, déchets et environnement (EDE7). L’école supérieure de technologie de salé- université Mohamed V Rabat 20-22 novembre 2019 |
5 |
Zygophyllum Qatarense extract as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in acidic medium. A. Batah, L. Bammou , M. Belkhaouda, A. Anejjar, R. Salghi, O. Id El Mouden. 1st International Congress of Green Biotechnology,Polydisciplinary Faculty of Taroudant from 01 to 03 November, 2018. |
6 |
Investigation of the inhibition of aluminium alloy corrosion in alkaline medoium.S. Kharacha , I. Bazzi, A. Batah, M. Belkhaouda, L. Bazzi, L. Bammou . Congrés international : matériaux appliqués à l’environnement 5-7 décembre 2018 Faculté des sciences Agadir |
7 |
Effect of amino acid on corrosion and inhibition behavior of the aluminum alloy in alkaline medium. S .Kharacha, M.Belkhaouda, L.Bazzi, L. Bammou , M.Chadili. International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials (ICCM 2017) National school of Applied Sciences , AlHoceima May 11-12 -2017. |
8 |
Corrosion behavior of steel rebar in concrete. Effect of simulated solutions and Alginate biopolymer.I. Bazzi, R. Salghi, A. AitAddi, A. Jmiai, A. Bazzi, K. Elmouaden, M. Belkhaouda and L. Bammou . 1st International Congress of Green Biotechnology,Polydiscplinary Faculty of Taroudant from 01 to 03 November, 2018. |
9 |
Effect of L-2- Amino-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid on Corrosion behavior of aluminum alloy in alkaline medium. S.kharacha , A.batah, M.belkhaouda, L.bammou , L.bazzi. 6eme édition de congrès international: eaux déchets Environnement (EDE6)0. 12 au 14 Decembre2017, à la faculté des sciences et Technique – Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Béni Mellal. |
10 |
Évaluation de l’activité antioxydante et antityrosinase de Lavandulamairei. A.El Hamdaoui , M. El Yaagoubi, H. Mechqoq, K. Stathopoulou, N. Aligianis, N. Elaouad, F. Msanda, A. Ait Ben Aoumar, E.H. Boudyach, H. Boubaker et A. El Mousadik. 7ème Ecole Internationale de Recherche : Biodiversité,Biotechnologies & Développement Durable. Agadir du 25-27, Avril 2019. |
11 |
Utilisation des extraits des sous-produits d’argan comme agent anti-âge et dépigmentant en dermocosmetique. H. Mechqoq, A. El Hamdaoui , M. El Yaagoubi, K. Stathopoulou, E. Dina, N. Aligianis, N. Fokialakis, A. El Mousadik, F. Msanda et N. El aouad. 7ème Ecole Internationale de Recherche. Agadir du 25- 27, Avril 2019. |
12 |
Activité inhibitrice de la xanthine oxydase des huiles essentielles et des sousproduits d’hydrodistillation de trois espèces de Thymus endémiques du Maroc. M. El Yaagoubi, H. Mechqoq, A. El Hamdaoui , F. Msanda, A. El Mousadiq,S. Ortiz, R. Grougnet, M. Kritsanida, N. El Aouad. 7ème Ecole Internationale de Recherche. Agadir du 25-27, Avril 2019.
13 |
Plant extracts as antioxidant and antimicrobial agents. A.Bouglad, H. Karim, M. El Yaagoubi, A. El Hamdaoui , Y. Elmaati, A. El Moslih, A. El Mousadik, F. Achemchem, H. Boubaker, F. Msanda and K. Cherifi. 7ème Ecole Internationale de Recherche. Agadir du 25-27 Avril 2019. |
14 |
A. El Hamdaoui , H. Mechqoq, K. Stathopoulou, N. Aligianis, N. El Aouad, F. Msanda, A. Ait Ben Aoumar, E.H. Boudyach, H. Boubaker &A. El Mousadik. LavandulamaireiHumbert’s essential oil:chemical composition, antioxidantactivity and cultivation effect. 6ème Ecole International De Recherche : « Biodiversité des PAM, Biotechnologies, Produits de terroir & Valorisation des Substances Naturelles. FSAUIZ, Agadir, 19-21-Avril, 2018. |
15 |
Use of two Moroccan plants essential oils and organic extracts as naturalantioxidant and antimicrobial products. A. Bouglad, M. El Yaagoubi, H. Karim, A. El Hamdaou i, Y. Elmaati, A. El Moslih, A. El Mousadik, F. Achemchem, H. Boubaker, F. Msanda et K. Cherifi. 6-ème Ecole International De Recherche FSA - Agadir, 19- 21-Avril 2018. |
16 |
Évaluation de l’activité biologique deshuiles essentielles de trois plantes aromatiques et médicinales du centre ouest du Maroc. M. El Yaagoubi, A. Bouglad, A. El Hamdaoui , K. Ait El Mahra, M. MiloudSouly, H.Karim, L. Askarne, A. Elmoslih, F. Achemchem, H. Boubaker,K. Cherifi, F. Msanda et A. El mousadik. 6-ème Ecole International De Recherche FSA - Agadir, 19-21-Avril 2018. |
17 |
Étude Phytochimique et Biologique du tourteau de l’arganier (Arganiaspinosa (L.) Skeels). H. Mechqoq, A. El Hamdaoui , F. Msanda, K. Stathopoulou, N. Aligianis,N. El Aouad. 6-ème Ecole International De Recherche FSA - Agadir, 19-21-Avril 2018. |
18 |
Recherche d’activitésbiologiques à partir d’extraits de plantes aromatiques et médicinales du sud du Maroc. Y. Elmaati, A. El Hamdaoui , H. Boubaker, F. Msanda. 6-ème Ecole International De Recherche FSA - Agadir, 19- 21-Avril 2018. |
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Impact of an alkaline set accelerator for shotcrete on mortar behavior during the hardening period by analyzing the steady state of ultrasound pulse echo measurements. Nabil Khatib, El Houssaine Ouacha , Hicham Banouni, BouazzaFaiz, Mohamed Ezzaidi. International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies, (ICCSRE’18). Ouarzazate, Maroc |
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Development of an ultrasonic device for quality evaluation of UHT milk. E. Ouacha , A. Moudden, B. Faiz, A. Hamine I. Aboudaoud, H. Banouni. International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies, (ICCSRE’18). Ouarzazate,Maroc |
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Realization and Study of Desalination Prototype Assisted by Solar energy. A.hamine, B. Faiz, H. Idrissi Azami, El. Ouacha . International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies (ICCSRE’2018). Ouarzazate, Maroc |
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«The identification of the different stages of the hydration of Portland composite cements CPJ 45 and CPJ 35, using the ulrasound P-wave attenuation coefficient», Nabil Khatib, El Houssaine Ouach a, BouazzaFaiz, Mohamed Ezzaidi, Hicham Banouni, 1st International Conference on Signals, Automation and Telecommunications, (ICSAT’2018), Faculté Polydisciplinaire, Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, BeniMellal, Maroc 2-4 Mai 2018 |
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« Ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation of the collage between two plates ». Brahim IRISSI, El Houssaine OUACHA , Bouazza FAIZ,. International Network of Biomaterials and Engineering Science (INBES’2020).April 16-18, 2020 in Agadir, Morocco |
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«Theoretical determination of the criteria for bonding quality characterization inside a multilayer by ultrasonic echo-pulse method. Idris Aboudaoud, Faiz Bouazza, Driss Izbaim, El Houssaine Ouacha , and Hicham Banouni. The 4th International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies « ICCSRE’2021 » Agadir : July 22-24, 2021, Marocco (O) |
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I.MOUHTI , A.ELANIQUE, Y.M.MESSOUS, A. BENAHMED, J. E. McFee, P. GRIFFITH, " Use of Monte Carlo Modeling and measurements to characterize CsI(Tl) and LYSO(Ce) scintillator detectors" Third International Regulators Conference on Nuclear Security,1 – 4 Octobre 2019, Marrakech - Maroc. Communication par poster. |
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I. MOUHTI , A. ELANIQUE, Y.M.MESSOUS, " Validation of a NaI(Tl) and LaBr3(Ce) detectors models : experiment and Monte carlo simulations "4th International Conference on Theorecal and Experimental Studies for Nuclear Applications and Technology (TESNAT 2018), 20 -22Avril 2018, Antalya - TURQUIE. Communication orale. |
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A.MABROUK , A. Bachar, Y. Vaills. Characterization of lanthanum boroaluminosilicate glasses by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, NMR and infrared spectrometry, International symposium on Energy and materials. March 24-26, 2021, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Benguerir. Maroc |
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Abioui, H ., A. Idarrou, A. Bouzit, and D. Mammass. Review: Automatic Image Annotation for Semantic Image Retrieval. International Conference on Image and Signal processing, ICISP 2018, Cherbourg, France, July 2-4, 2018 (Communication Orale) |
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I. Belhyane, M. Mammass, H. Abioui , A. Moutaoukkil, A. Idarrou, " Multimedia Information Retrieval in Semi- Structured Documents: An overview", 9th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT) May 28-30, 2022 – Accepté pour communication orale |
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I. Belhyane, M. Mammass, H. Abioui , A. Idarrou, "Graph-Based Image Retrieval: State of the Art ", 9th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing ICISP 2020. (Communication Orale) |